Friday, January 14, 2011

To tweet or not to tweet: that is the question

After a brief dalliance with Twitter last year I decided tweeting was not for me. Brevity is not my strong point as anyone who knows me will attest, and I have a terrible aversion to abbreviated text speak, editing all my messages to ensure the spelling and punctuation are correct, and the grammar at least passable. My only concession is the occassional use of an emoticon, and then it is usually nothing more than a smiley face.

Just this week, while discussing Twitter and my lack of enthusiasm for it with a colleague, it was suggested that this was because I was not under the illusion that everyone found every thought that popped into my head illuminating, or stimulating, or even the tiny bit interesting. Fearing that my self esteem might take a battering if we continued down this path I hastily agreed.

On reflection, however, that is precisely why I was not itching to commence tweeting. Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say?

Twitter seems to be more time consuming than other social networking platforms. While a library could effectively use facebook as a marketing and communication tool, adding a single post per day, Twitter has a greater sense of urgency, and almost demands continual updates.

Despite this lack of enthusiasm, this suspicion that nobody wants to hear my thoughts, I am again tweeting. You can follow me @TeenaLMiller.

Or not ... it's up to you.


  1. I used to have an aversion to abbreviations as well, but having a mobile phone that will only accept 160 characters for one text message soon convinced my penny pinching ways that I needed to abbreviate. Small cost I know, but it would add up over a period of time as I love to text. Still, I feel Twitter is not something I would spend a lot of time on, as I too have suspicions that to others, my thoughts are not worth reading about!

  2. I am not to keen on posting Tweets myself. On Facebook I rarely post a status comment anymore. What I like about Twitter is that I can spy on my favourite celebrities without reading trashy magazines.

  3. I've posted my first tweet tonight but I know that humanity wouldn't be missing much if that post never saw the light of Twitter.

  4. My first follower on Twitter. I am not sure what to think about it.

  5. I'm sure everyone wants to hear your thoughts, they are probably a lot more interesting that someone elses.

  6. I also have problems coming to gripps with twitter.
    But perhaps getting tweets from sites of interest that I've signed up to will help me see value.

  7. Twitter's feature and appeal to me is the brevity of news. One sentence updates are great as sometimes after the first paragraph you have lost your reader.
